Maybe next week.
Or next year.
For now this thought from our history chapter is in my mind today. We read about Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor and looked up some of his sayings. This is the one little man chose to copy out:
1)the mask is due to his ongoing ninja obsession, plus it's cold, SO COLD, and he refuses to wear socks (???) so I encourage the mask wearing.
2) his cursive is getting so good, and his reading too, makes me such a proud mama
3) I love homeschooling in that my kid knows who Marcus Aurelius is. I'm totally teaching him Latin next year. I'm a dork.
4) they are now watching pbs kids on the iPad so don't assume I'm "that mom"
5) isn't this a beautiful concept? I also liked these two:
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts"
And especially:
"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them."
May you run with the stars this year mamas.
Happy new year, from our little family to yours.
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