Copyright © June Cleaver in yoga pants
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

mama, i'm back.

This is what baby girl said to me when we put her in her high chair to eat for the first time in a week, this past Thursday. LOOK, I AM BACK!! And as I got the table ready for dinner she hugged my arm every time I walked past her chair.

Sniff, sniff.

And yes I totally went into the kitchen and nearly cried.

And this morning in church, I nearly cried, grateful for my two happy kids, waking up to chocolate and presents (the Easter bunny was VERY indulgent this year) and putting on bright spring clothes and singing along to Baby Beluga in the car.

So thankful.

dying easter eggs with auntie

hmmm. chocolate.

she picked out the socks and hat herself.

checking out his loot

quick! find them before the cousins do!

hmmm. jelly beans.

worn out after a long day.


  1. So sweet and so rewarding after all you guys have been through. I'm glad you had a happy Easter and some sunshine along with it (the literal and the figurative kind!)


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