Deliciously warm.
A few stray clouds but otherwise bright beautiful sunshine and a blue blue sky.
The kids are drawn to the outdoors like it has a magnetic force over them. A month ago I would've cracked the whip. Finish your math and you can go outside!!
Today. No. It's mid-May. We are officially into easing into summer mode.
History stories to listen to.
Making stop motion movies! with Lego guys! To enact famous battles! One of my more brilliant latest homeschooling moves.
Art, indoors and out. Today we studied da Vinci. Reading about his life and coloring and drawing.
Lots of nature studies and walks outside. Noticing all the green things pushing their way up out of the black earth, reaching up to the sun.
A little math review, but no really new topics.
Special projects like making birch bark canoes (today little man tells me as I get exasperated "mom, you know it doesn't have to turn out perfect for it to be fun. You tell me that!")
Lots and lots of reading. Little man is reading Swiss family Robinson right now. We get to the library quite a lot. I just finished the spring tales of Tiptoes Lightly (so sweet!) and next we'll do some fairy tales.
Easing into an outside centered life. An easier rhythm.
And then. On days like today. We go to the lake, where I am parked right now, toes in the sand, listening to waves and birds the kids splashing, now laying in the sun, sun basking as little man said.
Hard moments are to be had, for sure, but this is why I love it.
Sun basking. Reading. Digging. Painting. Running. Dreaming.
Tests and scores and official official-ness can wait.
Nice June you took the kids to the beach. Shure they run around a enjoyed to play with the sand. My one is 2 years and loves playing outdoors. Enjoy the summer :-)