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Thursday, January 10, 2013

anti-recipe #56 roasted cauliflower

So I'm in a really bad mood. And it's about cooking. We've totally been the family that cooks two meals, kids and adults, and I'm tired of it. So a couple days ago I thought, no MORE. And I made the kids eat whatever it was I made. They wouldn't. We gave them bread and milk before bed. And an extra large bowl of Cheerios for breakfast. The next night dada worked late and I totally made two meals again. Noodles and veggies for them, plus peanuts and chocolate chips and canned fruit for dessert. Roasted cauliflower and gluten free pasta with spinach, bacon and blue cheese for us. So tonight I'm like, darn it, kids totally eat fried rice, why shouldn't mine??! So we made them. Little miss, in the super picky 3 yr old eating phase, refused. Little man ate his, then wanted more food, "something else please" then spent a goodly amount of time crabbing about how he wanted the frozen store bought bread, not the lovely fresh homemade kind on the counter. We won that one. And now, little miss is going to bed with no dinner, just a glass of milk. Dada is doing the dirty work (I'm just blogging about it ha!)

Anyway, all that to say, roasted veggies are a favorite, for us beleaguered parents anyway, ha.

It's incredibly easy too.

Here is what I did the other night.

Rip open bag of frozen cauliflower. Pour in pan. Toss with 1 TBS of olive oil and sea salt. Bake at 375 for approximately 45 minutes, maybe an hour. Toss a few times while roasting. Eat. YUM.

My other fav is tossing cut up sweet potatoes and carrots with olive oil, honey and sea salt. Really super good. You can also use squash for this, with carrots.

Other ideas...potatoes, obviously. Broccoli and other mixed veggies are great like this too. Parsnips? Dada has done this before, doused with truffle oil, cause he is fancy like that.

So, there you have it. Roasting vegetables. Do it.


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