Copyright © June Cleaver in yoga pants
Design by Dzignine
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

easy winter hat out of old sweaters!

November is a crafty month. It is grey and cold. Chex mix wafts through the air. Tea in a mug next to me. Out come the hats and scarves. So perfect.

I am a crafty goddess this week. Like crazy crafty mama.

Here is one thought I came up with looking (in vain) for a hat for little man that I liked and didnt cost $25. (Seriously who pays $20 for a kids winter hat that will inevitably get left at church/playgroup/outside under a pile of snow. I am still irritated at myself for paying full price for a puffer vest for him at the beginning of October, only to have it left somewhere - and still lost - by the middle of the month. ACK)

So, I come home and look at piles of sweater pieces left over from my woolie making days. Hmmm. That sweater piece is stripey grey and black just like that hat I liked at baby Gap. hmmm. Maybe if I cut it here. Another snip here. Sew it up. Fleece lining. Replicate the cute red lightning strike. VOILA. Hat.

Okay. Not that simple. It took a few hours. I am handstitching though because my sewing machine is dead. With a machine it would be really quick!

So, here are some photos and a how to. I have already made one for me, sister, and even dada (who for some odd reason wants an elephant on the side of his. Umm. NO.)

 Cut out hat shape (two pieces), I used another hat that fits little man as a pattern, leaving 1/4 inch on each side for seams. Cut a V in the top to create a more rounded shape. Sew V together. Sew hat sides together (right sides facing of course)

Cut out fleece (if you want to do lining) Cut in a V to each piece at the top. Sew in exact way as other hat described above. Dont hem either hat. Sew on any sort of design onto the outside piece. We chose a lightening bolt in striking red (which coincidentally matches his new red and grey winter coat!!)

Even if you are using a machine I would hand stitch this part. Fit fleece layer into outside layer, seams facing in (so turn the fleece hat inside out and snug it right into the other hat. Does that make sense??) Flip the unfinished edges in toward each other, as shown above, and hand sew with a hidden whip stitch.

Finished! He was so pleased with his "FLASH!" hat that he wore it all day! (Also, notice how I literally had to hold him to get him to hold still!! And still the picture is fuzzy...)

SO. There you have it. So darn easy. I want to do one for little miss with a flower on it (cut out from old sweaters of course.) HAVE FUN CRAFTY MAMAS!


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