PHEW. We made it through the week. DADA IS OFF FOR FIVE DAYS. YAAAAAAAY.
Blogging with glass of wine in my hand while he does bath duty. Good man, that dada.
It has been quite a week. Baby girl has decided to become a two year old all of a sudden. Complete with an increased level of sassiness, refusing to let us change her diaper - she did peepee on the potpot for a whole day this week! (hey its a start!) - and a general two year old attitude about her (opinionated on clothing! calling herself Jo-Jo to be silly! fighting with brother over Ipod music choices!)
It's truly insane.
And exhausting.
I am seriously exhausted.
But the crafting must go on. IT MUST.
(You realize don't you that the reason for this crafting quest was to give us something to do for the week? It's all about making it to Friday.)
So we did. We painted the dough ornaments. I restrained myself and only put up the tiniest objection to mister's color choices. (Really, do you need to use black and mix all the colors? It's just turning into grey!)
Really though we achieved this fairly well. Little miss loved it. Her hair was bright red by the end. (What happened to her head? Dada asked in alarm tonight. Paint. Oh, right)
Little man also painted his Santa. Bright blue. The whole thing, even the face. With dabs of black and green.
But, I say, isn't Santa usually red? How will people know its Santa? (I am terrible, I know)
Of course. Silly me.
I had my doubts about the ornaments but they turned out surprisingly well. We coated the paint with glitter glue and strung ribbons through a few.
A few pics below. None of the process however as my PHONE HAS DIED. NOOOOOOO. I came downstairs to find baby dear chewing on it, drool running down her chin. Soaked. Poor little phone won't even turn on. A noble life it led.
Tomorrow, to finish out our quest (and to kill time) I think we will make some homemade wrapping paper.
And then? Feasting! (DADA COOKING!) Family fun! Presents! I am as excited for my kids to experience Christmas Day as they are excited for it. Perhaps more.
Ok. I can hear bathtime coming to an end.
I think they are beautiful. Thank you for the card and picture. Hope your Christmas is Merry and bright. How could it not be?